Welcome to The Kettles Law Firm, home to what many believe to be one of the best plane crash litigation attorneys in the U.S. Aviation cases are an especially complex area of the law. If you have been injured in an aviation incident, then it is paramount that you find an experienced professional to back you up.

The Kettles Law Firm provides one of the best plane crash litigation lawyers in the U.S. Led by Jon Kettles — who holds the highest FAA rating as both a pilot and a flight instructor — these are professionals that are able to peel back the layers of complexity and make sure that you are appropriately compensated for your hardships.


A reliable, trustworthy U.S. plane accident attorney

Jon Kettles and his firm have represented men and women all over the United States who have been involved in a variety of accidents and incidents. From holding airline companies responsible for injuring passengers to taking on aircraft manufacturers for their negligence, The Kettles Law Firm gets tough so that your best interests are represented in a court of law.


Experience is the difference maker

The vast experience of Jon Kettles and his staff is what makes our team one of the best plane crash litigation attorneys in the U.S. With this advanced knowledge of the aviation industry, our team is able to pinpoint the cause of your accident and subsequent injuries.

As one of the best plane crash litigation lawyers in the U.S., we are then able to present these findings clearly and coherently in a court of law, leaving little doubt as to who the negligent party is and making sure you receive the compensation you deserve.

Schedule a free consultation with one of the best plane crash litigation attorneys in the U.S. Contact The Kettles Law Firm right now.